
Margarine-like spread · stick · salted

Shedd's Spread/Parkay Spread/Land O Lakes Spread with Sweet Cream/Fleischmann's Light Corn Oil Spread/Shedd's Spread Country Crock/NS as to salt/Imperial 70% Vegetable Oil Spread Quarters/Blue Bonnet Light Taste Spread/Blue Bonnet Vegetable Oil Spread
  • 537 kcal
  • Protein: 0%
  • Fat: 99%
  • Carbs: 1%

Margarine-like spread · tub · salted

NS as to salt/Canola Sunrise Spread/Fleischmann's Light Corn Oil Spread/Parkay Spread/Shedd's Spread/Shedd's Spread Country Crock/Land O Lakes Spread with Sweet Cream/Imperial Soft Spread/Blue Bonnet Spread/Smart Balance Regular Buttery Spread/Smart Beat Spread/Benecol spread
  • 533 kcal
  • Protein: 0%
  • Fat: 99%
  • Carbs: 1%

The charts on list show calorie breakdown. Other values apply for 100g of products.