Grapes · muscadine · raw

Grapes comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Grapes · muscadine · raw 57 kcal 0.81 g 13.93 g 0.47 g
Grapes · red or green (European type, such as Thompson seedless) · raw 69 kcal 0.72 g 18.1 g 0.16 g
Grapes · american type (slip skin) · raw 67 kcal 0.63 g 17.15 g 0.35 g
Grapes · canned · thompson seedless · heavy syrup pack · solids and liquids 76 kcal 0.48 g 19.65 g 0.1 g
Grapes · canned · thompson seedless · water pack · solids and liquids 40 kcal 0.5 g 10.3 g 0.11 g
Grape leaves · raw 93 kcal 5.6 g 17.31 g 2.12 g
Grape leaves · canned 69 kcal 4.27 g 11.71 g 1.97 g
Grape juice · canned or bottled · unsweetened · without added ascorbic acid 60 kcal 0.37 g 14.77 g 0.13 g
Grape drink · canned 61 kcal 0 g 15.72 g 0 g
Grape juice drink · canned 57 kcal 0 g 14.55 g 0 g
Grape juice · canned or bottled · unsweetened · with added ascorbic acid 60 kcal 0.37 g 14.77 g 0.13 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product