Spaghetti · whole-wheat · cooked

Spaghetti comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Spaghetti · whole-wheat · cooked 124 kcal 5.33 g 26.54 g 0.54 g
Spaghetti · cooked · whole wheat · fat not added in cooking 123 kcal 5.3 g 26.38 g 0.54 g
Spaghetti · cooked · whole wheat · NS as to fat added in cooking 123 kcal 5.3 g 26.38 g 0.54 g
Spaghetti · cooked · whole wheat · fat added in cooking 147 kcal 5.14 g 25.57 g 3.65 g
Spaghetti · protein-fortified · cooked · enriched (n x 6.25) 164 kcal 8.86 g 30.88 g 0.21 g
Spaghetti · protein-fortified · cooked · enriched (N x 5.70) 164 kcal 8.08 g 31.66 g 0.21 g
Spaghetti · whole-wheat · dry 348 kcal 14.63 g 75.03 g 1.4 g
Spaghetti · cooked · fat not added in cooking 157 kcal 5.76 g 30.68 g 0.92 g
Spaghetti · cooked · NS as to fat added in cooking 157 kcal 5.76 g 30.68 g 0.92 g
Spaghetti · cooked · fat added in cooking 180 kcal 5.59 g 29.74 g 4.02 g
Spaghetti · cooked · unenriched · with added salt 157 kcal 5.8 g 30.59 g 0.93 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product