Found 453 recipes
- Protein: 4%
- Fat: 17%
- Carbs: 79%
Jeweled carrot salad with apple and pomegranate
- 96 kcal
- 8 ingredients
- Protein: 19%
- Fat: 29%
- Carbs: 52%
White bean soup with ham, pumpkin, and chard
- 51 kcal
- 14 ingredients
- Protein: 18%
- Fat: 24%
- Carbs: 57%
Lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza
- 128 kcal
- 14 ingredients
- Protein: 20%
- Fat: 51%
- Carbs: 29%
Roasted spaghetti squash with sausage and kale
- 90 kcal
- 10 ingredients
The charts on list show calorie breakdown. Other values apply for 100g of recipes.