Codfish · with starchy vegetables · Puerto Rican style (Serenata de bacalao) (mixture)

Codfish comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Codfish · with starchy vegetables · Puerto Rican style (Serenata de bacalao) (mixture) 134 kcal 3.54 g 18.78 g 5.25 g
Stewed · codfish · Puerto Rican style (Bacalao guisado) 113 kcal 10.93 g 8.65 g 3.89 g
Stewed · codfish · Puerto Rican style · no potatoes (potatoes reported separately) 105 kcal 12.13 g 4.46 g 4.27 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Gazpacho de bacalao) 160 kcal 7.92 g 10.77 g 9.41 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Ensalada de bacalao) 147 kcal 7.63 g 6.06 g 10.33 g
Taco · with crab meat · Puerto Rican style (Taco de jueye) 214 kcal 12.3 g 15.22 g 11.6 g
Egg · scrambled · with jerked beef · Puerto Rican style (Revoltillo de tasajo) 260 kcal 21.46 g 2.98 g 17.78 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Serenata) 176 kcal 6.65 g 2.83 g 15.48 g
Chicken fricassee · Puerto Rican style (Fricase de pollo) 165 kcal 12.45 g 7.15 g 9.66 g
Yam buns · Puerto Rican style (Bunuelos de name) 300 kcal 3.46 g 29.37 g 19 g
Stewed · rabbit · Puerto Rican style (Fricase de conejo) 217 kcal 17.16 g 6.99 g 12.45 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product