Ham · noodle · and vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style

Sopa de jamon, fideos y vegetales

Ham comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Ham · noodle · and vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style 60 kcal 5.85 g 6.29 g 1.33 g
Ham · rice · and potato soup · Puerto Rican style 55 kcal 3.57 g 7.92 g 1.03 g
Noodle and potato soup · Puerto Rican style 29 kcal 0.86 g 6.48 g 0.12 g
Codfish · rice · and vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style 68 kcal 5.29 g 7.59 g 1.65 g
Lamb · pasta · and vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style 90 kcal 4.79 g 6.03 g 5.2 g
Beef · noodle soup · Puerto Rican style (Sopa de carne y fideos) 59 kcal 5.88 g 6.15 g 1.25 g
Spanish vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style (Caldo gallego) 102 kcal 7.88 g 5.21 g 5.53 g
White bean soup · Puerto Rican style (Sopon de habichuelas blancas) 87 kcal 2.73 g 13.61 g 2.49 g
Chicken rice soup · Puerto Rican style (Sopa de pollo con arroz) 75 kcal 7.41 g 8.61 g 1.08 g
Garlic egg soup · Puerto Rican style (Sopa de ajo) 81 kcal 3.72 g 5.56 g 4.81 g
Beef · and rice soup · Puerto Rican style 59 kcal 5.82 g 6.22 g 1.21 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product