Found 453 recipes
- Protein: 10%
- Fat: 35%
- Carbs: 56%
Carrot soup with tahini and crisped chickpeas
- 83 kcal
- 22 ingredients
- Protein: 8%
- Fat: 60%
- Carbs: 32%
Raw kale salad with balsamic, pine nuts, and parmesan
- 172 kcal
- 10 ingredients
- Protein: 7%
- Fat: 55%
- Carbs: 38%
Roasted butternut squash, radicchio, and onion
- 98 kcal
- 10 ingredients
- Protein: 10%
- Fat: 57%
- Carbs: 34%
Roasted red pepper & spinach dip with Kettle chips
- 197 kcal
- 7 ingredients
The charts on list show calorie breakdown. Other values apply for 100g of recipes.