Codfish fritter · Puerto Rican style (Bacalaitos fritos)

Codfish fritter comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Codfish fritter · Puerto Rican style (Bacalaitos fritos) 278 kcal 15.32 g 36.02 g 7.45 g
Rice meal fritter · Puerto Rican style (Almojabana) 310 kcal 9.19 g 36.35 g 13.98 g
Fried rice · Puerto Rican style (arroz frito) 119 kcal 12.78 g 8.53 g 3.33 g
Fried chickpeas · with bacon · Puerto Rican style (Garbanzos fritos con tocineta) 304 kcal 11.56 g 22.61 g 19.08 g
Fried fish · with sauce · Puerto Rican style (Pescado frito con mojo) 151 kcal 11.86 g 3.44 g 10.02 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Gazpacho de bacalao) 160 kcal 7.92 g 10.77 g 9.41 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Ensalada de bacalao) 147 kcal 7.63 g 6.06 g 10.33 g
Codfish salad · Puerto Rican style (Serenata) 176 kcal 6.65 g 2.83 g 15.48 g
Codfish · with starchy vegetables · Puerto Rican style (Serenata de bacalao) (mixture) 134 kcal 3.54 g 18.78 g 5.25 g
Codfish · rice · and vegetable soup · Puerto Rican style 68 kcal 5.29 g 7.59 g 1.65 g
Codfish soup · with noodles · Puerto Rican style 72 kcal 5.71 g 7.5 g 2.07 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product