Fast foods · tostada · with beans · beef · and cheese

Fast foods comparison

Product Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fat
Fast foods · tostada · with beans · beef · and cheese 148 kcal 7.15 g 13.18 g 7.53 g
Fast foods · tostada · with beans and cheese 155 kcal 6.67 g 18.42 g 6.85 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans 206 kcal 6.48 g 32.92 g 6.22 g
Fast foods · taco · with chicken · lettuce and cheese · soft 189 kcal 13.3 g 19.69 g 6.35 g
Fast foods · bagel · with egg · sausage patty · cheese · and condiments 295 kcal 12.98 g 22.64 g 16.97 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans and cheese 205 kcal 7.35 g 31.23 g 6.05 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans · cheese · and beef 180 kcal 7.03 g 23.37 g 6.8 g
Fast foods · bagel · with breakfast steak · egg · cheese · and condiments 282 kcal 15.95 g 22.99 g 14.07 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans and chili peppers 202 kcal 8.03 g 28.47 g 7.19 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans and beef 191 kcal 11.52 g 19.52 g 7.47 g
Fast foods · burrito · with beans · cheese · and chili peppers 197 kcal 9.91 g 25.35 g 6.84 g

* Nutritional values per 100 g of product